It is almost Halloween and still it is hot, so therefore I sweat. We did have a reprieve the other week, but it didn't last. I long for the day that I can turn off the air conditioner. Enough about the weather.
Another noted difference between the south and the Great White North is how children are taught to address adults. Where I come from in Illinois, children are taught to call neighbors, friends of parents, and parents of friends "Mr. & Mrs. Last Name". Down here in Texas, or at least around Houston children are taught to call adults "Miss & Mr. First Name". While at a play date with my Mom's group recently we were discussing this, as a bunch of us are Northerners. Most of us, including me, like being called "Miss Bluebonnet". I know I married my husband over 10 years ago and I did for awhile consider not becoming "Mrs. Yankee", but I felt it was important for my kids and I to have the same last name. (I know this is just a thing of mine and I really respect women who keep their maiden names, I sometimes wish I would have kept mine, "Mrs. Yankee" be damned!)
I still bristle though when I am called by my mother-in-laws name. I hear "Mrs. Yankee" and I just think it sounds weird, even a decade after it began. I would rather be called "Miss Bluebonnet" by friend's kids and my kids' friends. Maybe it is the connotation that "Miss" means I am still young and fun and "Mrs." connotes someone who is old and responsible. I don't know, but I am much more comfortable with "Miss Bluebonnet". Maybe I am trying to hold on to being young and fun, because I am, but I think this is one Texas thing we will keep if we ever move. What do you think? Do you like being called by your first name or last? I am curious.
Enjoy the weather!
Bluebonnet Yankee
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